PEはPhysical Educationです。
木野 彩子「ダンスハ體育ナリ」体育教員としての大野一雄を通して
2月11日(木祝) 14:00-15:00
2月14日(日) 14:30-15:30
2月11日(木祝) 14:00-15:00
2月14日(日) 14:30-15:30
Kazuo Ohno was once a PE teacher. He started to learn dance when assigned to teach at Soshin Baptist Girls School, some years after graduating from the Japan Athletic Association gymnastics school. Nowadays, physical education consists of sports, gymnastics and dance. Why is dance included in physical education? Why are girls expected to study dance? The idea to rethink these simple questions occurred to me as I am a practicing PE teacher myself. What is the difference between everyday gymnastics with music accompaniment and dance? What was it about dance that appealed to Kazuo Ohno more than gymnastics? The answer should tell us about dance's characteristics. I would like to rethink the role of dance in physical education, particularly where its competitive aspect is growing in importance, given that the The Japan Sports Agency, established in October 2015, have now jurisdiction over physical education.
I will have the audience do some light exercises during my lecture-performance, so please come comfortably dressed.
I will have the audience do some light exercises during my lecture-performance, so please come comfortably dressed.
大野一雄 (1906-2010) と体育教員
函館に生まれる。秋田在住の高校時代は、陸上中距離走選手、また野球は四番ファーストだった。日本体育会体操学校 (現日本体育大学)を卒業後、横浜のミッションスクール関東学院で体育教員として教鞭を執った。捜真女学校への転任を機に石井漠舞踊研究所の門を叩く。戦争による中断を経て、江口隆哉・宮操子舞踊研究所でモダンダンサーとして活躍した。1950年代モダンダンス公演を行う中で、土方巽と邂逅、60年代に緊密な共同作業を行い、新たな舞踊を模索した。1977年土方演出による「ラ・アルヘンチーナ頌」を発表。1980年ナンシー国際演劇祭で同作品を上演した。捜真女学校には、戦前戦後を通じて体育教員として勤務し、教職を退いてからも営繕職を勤めた。1980年初の海外公演を前に退職。退職後も女生徒たちのクリスマス聖劇指導を継続した。
函館に生まれる。秋田在住の高校時代は、陸上中距離走選手、また野球は四番ファーストだった。日本体育会体操学校 (現日本体育大学)を卒業後、横浜のミッションスクール関東学院で体育教員として教鞭を執った。捜真女学校への転任を機に石井漠舞踊研究所の門を叩く。戦争による中断を経て、江口隆哉・宮操子舞踊研究所でモダンダンサーとして活躍した。1950年代モダンダンス公演を行う中で、土方巽と邂逅、60年代に緊密な共同作業を行い、新たな舞踊を模索した。1977年土方演出による「ラ・アルヘンチーナ頌」を発表。1980年ナンシー国際演劇祭で同作品を上演した。捜真女学校には、戦前戦後を通じて体育教員として勤務し、教職を退いてからも営繕職を勤めた。1980年初の海外公演を前に退職。退職後も女生徒たちのクリスマス聖劇指導を継続した。
Kazuo Ohno (1906-2010) as a PE teacher
Born in Hakodate, Hokkaido, Kazuo Ohno was a gifted athlete. In his high-school days in Akita, he held the prefectural record in medium-distance running, and was fourth batter and first baseman in his baseball team. Upon graduating from Japan Athletic Association gymnastics school, Ohno was employed as a PE instructor at the Kanto Gakuin in Yokohama. On being transferred to the Soshin Baptist Girls School, he joined the Baku Ishii Dance Institute and later studied under Takaya Eguchi and Misako Miya. In the 1950s he gave several modern dance recitals and met Tatsumi Hijikata. They worked together in the1960s, seeking out new dance forms. In 1977, Ohno presented Admiring La Argentina, directed by Hijikata and performed at the Nancy International Theater Festival in 1980. Ohno continued working as a PE instructor at Soshin Girls School; after his retirement from teaching, he kept working at the school as a part-time janitor. He retired just before his overseas debut in 1980 but continued to direct and perform at their annual Christmas Nativity play.
Born in Hakodate, Hokkaido, Kazuo Ohno was a gifted athlete. In his high-school days in Akita, he held the prefectural record in medium-distance running, and was fourth batter and first baseman in his baseball team. Upon graduating from Japan Athletic Association gymnastics school, Ohno was employed as a PE instructor at the Kanto Gakuin in Yokohama. On being transferred to the Soshin Baptist Girls School, he joined the Baku Ishii Dance Institute and later studied under Takaya Eguchi and Misako Miya. In the 1950s he gave several modern dance recitals and met Tatsumi Hijikata. They worked together in the1960s, seeking out new dance forms. In 1977, Ohno presented Admiring La Argentina, directed by Hijikata and performed at the Nancy International Theater Festival in 1980. Ohno continued working as a PE instructor at Soshin Girls School; after his retirement from teaching, he kept working at the school as a part-time janitor. He retired just before his overseas debut in 1980 but continued to direct and perform at their annual Christmas Nativity play.
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