
死者の書 再読

死者の書 再読




Rereading “Shisha no Sho (The Book of the Dead)” by Sinobu Origuchi


The Tottori-based dancer and choreographer Saiko Kino’s re-reading project of Shinobu Orikuchi’s “The Book of The Dead”.
Based on the structure of interlocking two worlds and the heavily used onomatopoeia in “The Book of The Dead”, Shinobu Orikuchi’s masterpiece in dictation literature, Kino would choreograph movements in each scene to re-construct a dance work as a story in Orikuchi’s mind.  The musician Kumiko Yabu (Gamelan and percussion) and Sanshichiro Kineya (Edo Nagauta and Shamisen) will be the symbols of the two worlds.  They will explore the moments where this world and that world, the men gender and female gender may overlap.  Also, in collaboration with the lighting designer Asako Miura, the performance will pursue how to show the world beyond this world.  During the residency, the citizens are welcome to see the output at the open studio.  After the residency, it will be performed in Tottori Prefecture. 

札幌生まれ。幼少よりモダンダンスを始め、ソロを中心に自らの身体と向かい合い続ける。”Edge”でYokohama solo duo competition2003財団賞を受賞。 2004年文化庁在外派遣研修員、2005年よりRussell Maliphant Companyのダンサーとして活動。 帰国後はセルフドキュメンタリーの手法を用いリサーチに基づくダンス作品を制作している。代表作に“静” 、“からたちから”、”Mobius”など。2016年より鳥取大学地域学部附属芸術文化センター講師。2017年即興音楽とダンスを鳥取のまちなかで展開する鳥取夏至祭を開始。

Saiko Kino
born in Sapporo, Kino started learning the modern dance as a child.  Her intent is to face her own body, especially while dancing solo pieces.  Her work “Edge” won the Yokohama Art Foundation Prize at their Solo Duo Competition 2003.In 2014, Kino received an international fellowship from the Agency for Cultural Affairs; and in 2005, she joined the Russell Maliphant Company as a dancer.  After she came back to Japan, she often uses the method of self-documentary to create dance works based on research.  Her main works include: “Shizuka”, “Katachikara” and “Mobius”.Since 2016, Kino is a Lecturer of Tottori University Art Center.  In 2017, she started Tottori Midsummer Improvisation Festival, where improvisation music and dance are performed in the city of Tottori. 

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